Keynote Speaking

Empower healthcare leaders to unlock their full potential and elevate their practices with transformative keynote speaking that seamlessly integrates inspirational coaching and strategic consulting, providing tangible solutions for dentists and physicians to cultivate a culture of continuous improvement, enhanced leadership, and patient-centric excellence.

Picture this: Leading your team seamlessly, performing the technical aspects of dentistry effortlessly, and rekindling your passion for the practice you've dedicated your career to—all while boosting your income. Imagine being a business owner who not only thrives in running a dental practice but genuinely loves every moment of it.

Now, let me ask you, as a dental practice owner or healthcare provider, do you have an off switch?

As we navigate through the changes post-pandemic, many dentists are grappling with heightened levels of anxiety, loneliness, and a sense of disconnection from their profession. Have you found yourself questioning your choice of being a dentist?

Available for Virtual or In-Person Events

It’s not just about delivering information on stage; it’s about sparking a transformative journey for all who listen.
— Dr. Steph

Keynote Topics

Through my extensive work with high-level entrepreneurs, particularly dentists, I've identified common patterns that may resonate with you:

  1. Imposter Syndrome: Wrestling with self-doubt about charging higher rates or growing a dental practice at a young age.

  2. Big Questions: Contemplating the longevity of your commitment to dentistry over the next 20, 30, 40, or 50 years.

  3. Catastrophising: Turning minor challenges into major crises, triggering the fight, flight, or freeze response.

  4. Burnout: Overworked, drained, and depleted of energy. A sense of struggle to cope with the demands and responsibilities, leading to a pervasive sense of fatigue.

There's an internal mastery to being a dentist, and owning a dental practice demands a focus on the business side of dentistry as well as leadership.

The Business of Dentistry

Your dental training prioritized the technical aspects of dentistry, understandably so. However, as you ventured into running a dental practice, the business side took center stage, potentially overshadowing your initial passion for dentistry.

Ask yourself: Why do you still want to run and own a dental practice, aside from financial considerations?

Strategic Leadership Development

Explore visionary approaches to steer your dental practice toward long-term success through strategic leadership development. Understand the importance of setting clear expectations and goals in addition to fostering an environment of innovation that positively impacts lives and entire communities.

Building Lasting Patient Relationships

In dentistry, as in any business, recurring patients are the foundation of stability. Yet, changing attitudes and behaviors, exacerbated by the pandemic, have eroded patient loyalty. Cost, patient experience, and appointment durations all contribute to patient churn.

So, how can this help your practice? Because beyond the quest for financial success, you're seeking a holistic transformation—a way to rekindle your love for dentistry, elevate your practice, and ultimately, enhance your entire life.

Join me as we explore the keys to unlocking success in your dental practice and, by extension, your life.